Peggy Pegworth

Prints, Gifts and Art Commissions

Do you need gentle reminders that you are enough?

I'll send you lyrical loops and quirky cartoons.

Yes Please!


Peggy in a circle.png

Is your email inbox overwhelming?

Is it cluttered with work stuff, admin and promotions?

Wouldn’t you prefer to receive a free-spirited sketch, to boost your mood?

Stop! Breathe. Be gentle with yourself.

Free mindful colouring pages

Let free-spirited sketches light up your inbox each month, and welcome my unique art printables into your life. (It’s on the house!) Your first email comes with quirky colouring pages to calm your consciousness, and tickle your fancy. Sign up below to get your free Oeuf Mandala Colouring Collection, and I’ll send you snippets of sunshine called:

Doodle or Die: The Monthly Scribble.

Yes Please!

PS. I know you’re busy, so there’ll be no long, wordy emails, just a quick ‘Hello’ from me and a new drawing each month!

What's it all about?

Life is a cardigan. Sometimes there is a button missing.

Push the Button!